Plane - Three major airports link Washington, D.C. with the rest of the country and the world. Ronald Reagan National Airport, Washingotn Dulles International Airport, and Baltimore-Washington Airport all have limousine, cab, or Metro services available that will connect with the National Mall.
Car - Interstates 66 and 395 provide access to the Mall from the south. Interstate 495, New York Avenue, Rock Creek Parkway, George Washington Memorial Parkway, and the Cabin John Parkway provide access from the North. Interstate 66, U.S. Route 50 and 29 provide access from the West. U.S. Routes 50, 1, and 4 provide access from the East.
Public Transportation - There are several Metro train routes from the suburban areas surrounding the city. The Smithsonian Metro station is the nearest stop to the FDR Memorial. It is located on the corner of 12th street and Independence Ave.